Before I forget, the next time you go to Costco check to see if yours has agave nectar. Our local Costco had 2 bottles of Wholesome agave (23.5 ounce bottles) for $7.75. That is the best price I have seen on agave so I wanted to pass that along.
Next we stopped at the health food store. I just love the going to health food store. While there we found the probiotics powder that is recommended in “The Conscious Cook” for making nut cheeses. I can’t wait to try that experiment. Once I saw the recipe for nut cheese I thought the probiotics would add the umami that is missing in most nut cheeses. I love nut cheese without the probiotics. However I think the probiotics will make it that much better. That experiment may happen tomorrow, if I can get all my other Christmas stuff accomplished.
While at the health food store we picked up a couple of cookbooks, which will go under the tree for a couple of days. One book is on raw “cooking” and another on baking with agave. Doesn’t this just sound like me? There was also a wild hand product that is a lotion/candle/massage cream that was vegan so I had to pick it up. You burn the candle and then it melts the lotion so you can smooth it on your skin. Additionally, is smells wonderful. I may have to try my hand at making a replica of this at home. I love the concept. I really am so easily amused.
At Wegman’s I finally broke down and bought fresh turmeric root. Not that know what to do with it, but I will figure it out. They also had sea beans, so that I was very exciting. (Louis and Sue, yes I squealed like with the fresh cardoons and curry leaves … in case you two were wondering). I love it when our chef friend has sea beans so I had to grab some of these. Why would I let the fact that I haven’t cooked them before stop me?
Overall it was a great day, and we picked up all sorts of fun and healthy stuff while we were out. My cooking has become so much more adventurous since we became vegan. I am always surprised when people ask us what we eat.
On the juicer front I finally decided what I wanted (after the hubby confirmed the mechanical aspects). We ordered an Omega 8006 juicer. I am really looking forward fresh green juice. And, as my friend Alexandra put it, "more opportunities to feed Dan the stuff other people throw away". Specifically, I am really anxious to make flax crackers with green juice pulp. Yes, I really am that healthy. Scary huh?
Has anyone else picked up the current issue of Oxygen magazine? I can’t believe I am younger than Tosca Reno, the cover model. That woman looks amazing, and she is 50. Unbelievable! I clearly can’t use my age as an excuse. It that cover doesn’t make you want to run to the gym to lift weights nothing will.
There won’t be any dinner recipe tonight since we came home famished and had a quick salad with hummus and veggie burger with BBQ sauce. I will try to get at least one of my backlog recipes posted tonight before bed though.
I hope you all had as wonderful a day today as I did.
Mazel Tov on the sea beans.
ReplyDeleteLOL. You crack me up. Yes, there was the "cardoon squeal" when I saw the sea beans. Sorry you weren't here.
talk to you later,
What are sea beans?
ReplyDeleteYour shopping adventure sounds super fun. The hand cream/candle piqued my does it work?
ReplyDeleteSea beans are also called sea asparagus or samphire. They taste like salty asparagus to me. Ian told me that it is important to soak them in cold water to get some of the salt out of them. That is the only reason we didn't have them tonight. He serves them like asparagus. They will defintely be on the menu tomorrow.
The candle/massage oil/hand lotion is the wildest thing. It has a wick that you light and it melts the "candle". Then there is a spoon you use to dip out a little of the melted "candle" and rub it into your skin. The ingredients are: soybean oil, coconut oil, hempseed oil, apricot oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil, vitamin E, and a natural fragrance. I assume the coconut oil is what makes it firm. They had a sample burning at the healthfood store so we tired it. I love interesting stuff like this.
Excellent post for those of us that can't get to the stores, we can live vicariously through you.
ReplyDeleteI hope you make it out today!
We live on a "snow emergency route" so our street is completely dry in the drive lanes. The major roads were fine yesterday when we were out.
I haven't gotten the latest Oxygen yet. Went to Barnes & Noble and they didn't have it. I'll have to check out the other one in spite of all the holiday traffic. She looks amazing doesn't she?!
ReplyDeleteTosca looks amazing for any age! But you realize that she is 50 and was overweight until about a decade ago it is mind blowing. Have you read any of her books?
I have not read any of her books, just her articles in Oxygen Mag. She's definitely inspiring (or at least to me). I can only hope to look that good when I'm 50!
ReplyDeleteI agree completely. Inspiring is a perfect description.
have you tried the probiotics in cheese yet?? i love that candle/lotion i have seen them before and i also was vastly amused lol?you guys got a lot of fun stuff! has your juicer come in yet?
ReplyDeleteI haven't tried the probiotics in cheese yet. There was much more going on around here than I anticipated.
Both Dan and I were intrigued by the candle/oil. It smells really great too. I think the coconut oil is what makes it firm.
The juicer isn't here yet. Soon I hope.
talk to you later,