Monday, March 1, 2010

Chlorinated Chicken

For those of you that have family or friends that eat meat I thought I would post a link to an article about the acceptable USDA levels of chlorine in chicken processing. I was a reading an article this morning about the fact that the EU is considering allowing US chickens into their markets. The issue at hand is chlorine. Obviously this doesn’t impact me directly but I wanted to share it so that you can pass it along to your friends and family that eat meat. No matter how you look at this chlorine doesn’t belong in food. I won’t even use bleach in my home due to the toxicity. No wonder the health of this country continues to deteriorate.


  1. Great link. I have been aware of this for quite some time. Beef is routinely treated with ammonia, chicken with chlorine, packaged meat with carbon monoxide to retain color so it looks fresh. Some meat is also irradiated. You couldn't pay me to consume meat, but sadly the omnis I know do not care.

  2. Janet,

    Why do we do things like this to the food supply? It makes no sense!

    I am with you on consuming meat. I wouldn't eat meat or dairy on a bet now. Some of my omni friends read my blog so I am hoping this will be a bit of a wake up call for them. :-)


  3. Ewww, this is so gross! (I'm going to send the article to my hubby!). I've passed along a link to this entry on twitter--people should know about this!

  4. Ricki,

    I had the same reaction. Completely gross and uncalled for, not to mention unhealthy.

    thanks for passing this along, everyone should know,
