Sunday, February 28, 2010

Spinach, Tofu and Bean Enchiladas

I find it a little difficult to figure out what to make for dinner when my parents are coming over. Knowing they are old and stuck in their ways makes cooking a challenge for me. I want things that are healthy enough for Dan and me yet something that my parents will enjoy. Tonight’s dinner was a big hit, which surprised me a little. Everyone, vegans and omnis enjoyed this dish. Here is what I made

Spinach Tofu and Bean Enchiladas
Serves 4 very generously


1 yellow onion, peeled and thinly sliced
¼ cup water
10 ounces frozen spinach
14 ounces of firm tofu
4 cloves garlic, peeled
¼ cup nutritional yeast
1 tablespoon oregano, dried
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 tablespoon cumin seeds
4 tablespoons whole wheat flour
Salt and pepper to taste
1 cup pinto beans
4 whole wheat tortillas
14 ounces tomato sauce, no salt added
Salsa for topping (numbers assume 1 cup)
1 green onion, thinly sliced
¼ cup cilantro, minced


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees using the convection setting.
Water sauté the onion until tender. Microwave the spinach and squeeze it until dry.

Combine the tofu, garlic, nutritional yeast, oregano, chili powder, cumin, and flour in your food processor. Taste for seasoning and add salt and pepper as necessary.

Remove the tofu mixture to a mixing bowl. Add the spinach, onions and pinto beans to the tofu and stir to combine. Place ¼ of the tofu mixture in each tortilla and roll up. Place all the filled tortillas in a baking dish seam side down. Top the filled tortillas with tomato sauce. Cover the dish with aluminum foil and bake in a preheated oven until they are heated through (at least 40 minutes).

To serve top with sliced green onions, minced cilantro and salsa.

Nutritional Information:

Amount Per Serving
Calories- 577.89
Calories From Fat (20%) - 113.27

Total Fat - 13.1g
Saturated Fat - 1.74g
Cholesterol - 0mg
Sodium - 1365.48mg
Potassium - 5033.88mg
Total Carbohydrates - 80.77g
Fiber - 32.35g
Sugar - 12.47g
Protein - 48.56g


The interior was creamy, yet firm. Adding the flour to the tofu helps it form a cheese like consistency. Spinach, onions and beans add nice textural variation to the filling. If you like spicy food please feel free to spice this dish up. One of my parents doesn’t like heat so my weekend meals tend to be blander than my weekday cooking. This is a good dish to feed to children (due to the mild heat level), or omnis since the tofu tastes more like cheese. You can give the dish more heat by adding spicy salsa on top for those that want the heat.

Unrelated Notes:

The weather here is starting to warm a little we reached the upper 30’s today. Except for the large piles of snow most of the blizzard has now melted. It is so nice to see the dirt again. I am now anxious to get into my garden. Do any of you garden? If so do you have anything fun planned this year for your garden? I have decided to try my hand at greens and chioggia beets this year in addition to my usual plantings. We will see how it goes; I am not the best gardener.

My plans this week include more spring cleaning (aka major cat hair removal), working on a new exercise routine and trying to plan a weekly menu. The weekly menu will probably give me the most trouble as I am not one who likes to plan my meals far ahead. If I succeed in planning a weekly menu I will post it to see if that helps me stick to it.  I have my doubts but we will see.

For now I am off to clean up the kitchen from dinner and enjoy the few hours that remain of the weekend.


  1. yum, if that sauce is as spicy as it looks that would be in my stomach in about 2 seconds. delicious!!

  2. Vixen,

    This sauce wasn't spicy because my elderly parents were over for dinner last night. I would recommend you increase the heat level. The hubby and I like spicy.


  3. I haven't yet made enchiladas since I've given up dairy. I'm glad to have this as some vegan inspiration :)

  4. Sarah,

    These enchiladas were very popular last night. Even the omni parents liked them. Tofu works well here. Adding a little flour helps the tofu stand it for cheese.

    I hope you like them too!

  5. That dish looks colorful and pretty!

    I am so glad it is March, I can't wait to get outside in the garden. I am planning out what I want to grow this week. Lettuces, swiss chard, kale and beets I always have good luck with. My blue potatoes were good too. My tomatoes last year were disappointing, it was just too cold. I am thinking of cutting back on the veggies this year and growing more herbs, but haven't totally decided yet.

  6. This looks AMAZING, Alicia!!! And I think I have almost all the ingredients right here in the house! Yum Yum!

  7. Janet,

    Thanks. This was really surprisingly popular with the omnis last night.

    I grow tons of herbs each year. They are the majority of my garden.

    For the last two years I have grown fennel for the pollen and seeds. The vegetable doesn't do much but I get a ton of seeds, which I love.

    Blue potatoes are a great idea. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Tomatoes have been dismal here two years in a row. I may not bother with them this year.

    Thanks for letting me know what you are considering. It is always great inspiration to know what others are doing.


    I hope you enjoy it as much as we did. My parents have already told me this can be a repeat any time. I would say this was definitely omni approved.


  8. Heather,

    I hope you like this healthy tofu version too!


  9. Alicia,

    These look amazing, my stomach is growling just looking at're lucky I live so far away, otherwise I'd be over to raid your fridge for leftovers...if there were any...:)

  10. Rose,

    Thanks! Your comment made me smile. I did only eat half of an enchilada last night. Dan took my leftover as part of his lunch.

    talk to you later,
