Sunday, May 30, 2010

Raw Spring Rolls

We brought back a plethora of beautiful organic produce from the market this morning. Because it was suppose to get hot today I decided a cold dinner was in order. Tonight’s dish is a method more than a recipe and was inspired by one of the recipes in the “Raw For Life” DVD which was raw spring rolls.  That recipe used zucchini for the wrapper. This process works exactly the same as the cannelloni I made here, except it is healthier because it is filled with veggies. To the interior I added finely julienned spinach, Napa cabbage, grated carrot, cilantro and mint. Roll them up just like the cannelloni and refrigerate (covered) until ready to serve. I can imagine changing these many ways depending on what you stuff them with. The trick appears to be shredding the filling finely and rolling it tightly.

Make any dip you like to dunk them in. I made a dressing of mellow white miso and mirin with a little sriracha. Not only did Dan and I like this but so did the omnis. Will miracles never cease?

To go with the raw spring rolls I made my deconstructed sushi salad, which the omnis also liked. Since tomorrow is supposed to be another scorcher I made extra rice for us to have for dinner or a snack with some finely chopped raw veggies. That is something I do often.  Leftover brown has lots of uses.

This may be my last post for today.  I only got 3 1/2 hours sleep last night which may mean I will crash early. If not I will be back with our next meal since we still haven't had dinner. Talk to you all later. 


  1. They turned out beautifully! Very impressive :-)

    You poor thing--only 3.5 hours of sleep?! I hope you can get to bed early tonight and get some sleep!


  2. Courtney,

    These were easy enough to make that sleep deprivation wasn't an issue, LOL. It took me about 45 minutes to cut everything and roll them. Rolling took the majority of the time.

    I hope to get much more sleep tonight, assuming Massimo agrees. ;-) Thank goodness tomorrow is a holiday.

    talk to you later,

  3. Those look so good. But I'm not surprised ;-)

    Hope you get some sleep tonight. I know you aren't one to function well on no sleep. That's my job!

  4. Heather,

    Thanks! We all enjoyed these. The sauce can be used to make then many different flavors.

    I definitely need some pointers on functioning without sleep. I have been yawming all day, LOL. It is beyond me how you do this all the time.

    talk to you later,

  5. Raw zucchini wrap, that's very interesting. And it sure sounds both healthful and delicious.

    Jim Purdy

    The 50 Best Health Blogs

  6. These look fab, so much fun to eat too!

  7. Emma,

    I really loved using the zucchini for wrappers. Everyone liked these so variations are going to become standard at my house. The fresh mint and cilantro added a ton of flavor.

    talk to you soon,

  8. I especially liked these! Very tasty looking!!

  9. Brandi,

    These are very easy and healthy. All you need is a mandoline. Everyone liked these yesterday. They will be showing up often now.

    talk to you later,
