Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Walnut Butter with Cinnamon and Nutmeg

After reading about the health benefits of walnuts I began making walnut butter at home to replace our peanut butter. I have tried a few different variations of the nut butters some with pecan, or almond added and this one that was all walnut. My husband likes this particular version and it has become our standard nut butter now. It is lightly spiced with cinnamon. The ginger is added for antioxidants but the flavor doesn’t come through in the final nut butter. We have found that a little agave is necessary to round out the flavor. Without the agave the nut butter is a little too tannic for our tastes. Here is what I did.

Walnut Butter with Cinnamon and Nutmeg
Makes approximately 1 ¾ cups – 28 tablespoon servings


3 cups walnuts
1 ½ teaspoons cinnamon
½ teaspoon ginger, powder
¼ teaspoon kosher salt
½ tablespoon agave


Combine everything in your food processor and puree until completely smooth (about 3 – 4 minutes). Stop the processor once or twice to scrape the sides of the processor. Taste the nut butter for seasoning and correct as necessary. Store in a covered container in your refrigerator.

Nutritional Information (per tablespoon):

Amount Per Serving
Calories - 82.69
Calories From Fat (83%) - 68.41

Total Fat - 8.18g
Saturated Fat - 0.77g
Cholesterol - 0mg
Sodium - 17.11mg
Potassium - 56.79mg
Total Carbohydrates - 1.91g
Fiber - 0.94g
Sugar - 0.34g
Protein - 1.92g


With the omega 3 fatty acids in walnuts I think it makes sense to use walnut butter as our nut butter of choice. Both my husband and I have an apple with walnut butter for our afternoon snack most days. Between the apple and the walnut this snack is a cancer one two punch. Both foods are reported to fight cancer, which works for us.

We use this nut butter on apples, bananas, pound cake, toast, as well as sometimes in our smoothies. One of my husband’s favorite uses for walnut butter was when I made chocolate candies with walnut butter inside (like Reese’s but with walnut butter). They were quite good. I have also used it in place of peanut butter in a satay sauce for seitan. The satay recipe will be ready to post soon, so you should see that one sometime this month.


  1. That sounds so healthy and delicious, I have 2 bags of walnuts. I'll give it a try very soon, can't wait! I'm so excited about your satay recipe, YUM!

    p.s. Please stop by my blog when you have a second to receive blog awards:)

  2. Oraphan,

    I hope you like the walnut butter. It has become our favorite. My husband was hovering in the kitchen this morning when I was packing his lunch telling me that he needed more walnut butter. For one apple he wanted a 1/4 cup of walnut butter. Men!

    Satay is one of our favorites but I had always made it with beef in the past. I almost have the recipe ready to share. It is taking more modifications than usual.

    Thanks for thinking of me. I will stop by you blog next.


  3. I'll have to try this. We enjoy making our own peanut butter already. I'm a cinnamon fiend, so your recipe sounds wonderful! I wonder if I could use maple syrup instead of agave.

  4. nice! i will have to give this a try also:) love this and thinking would be very good for my vegetarian, diabetic daughter also:) big hugs to you alicia and thank you for sharing:)

  5. Brigid,

    I think maple syrup would be great in here. Please let me know what you think of the combination. I will be curious to hear.


    This would be fabulous for your daughter given the heart benefit walnuts have for diabetics. We really have grown to love walnut butter. My hubby will eat it directly off a spoon.


  6. The walnut butter looks and sounds delicious! I love peanut butter, and have sample cashew, almond, and soy nut butter, but never walnut! Will def. give it a try

  7. FoodFitnessFreshair,

    Thanks for the comment. I hadn't seen walnut butter either (although I am certain someone sells it). I decided to try it because I wanted my husband to eat more walnuts for health. I hope you enjoy it.

