Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Randomness From My Life

It was a crazy busy weekend at our place.  Just one of those weekends where I didn’t have enough time for anything that I thought I would get done, including blogging. Sorry about disappearing on you guys.  At least this time it was only for 2 days this time.  ;-)

My Monday hasn’t been much better in terms of having time.  Even though my work schedule was light I decided to try to get a lot of things done and that meant that I was a different type of busy.  Needless to say that meant I didn’t have any time to think about the post for tonight.  Translation, I am winging this completely! 

My morning started with a big glass of green juice which is pictured above.  Dan had his green smoothies today this time made with wild blueberries. 

After breakfast I waited for the weather to improve so that I could run errands.  The weather here was lousy today.  We started the day with freezing rain/sleet.  I had a few errands to run but didn’t want to drive in the weather. Then I remembered that I had a rolling cart that I used at the farmers’ market so out the door I went on foot.  I was chatting with a friend while I ran errands and took some pictures to show the area.   Since I have those pictures I decided to use them here too.

This is the old St. Mary’s Episcopal Church.

Here are two pictures of old tombstones from the church cemetery.

This is the firehouse in the CareOne commercial.

Also on the same street is this house from the same CareOne Commercial.

This is the infamous Café Hon which you may have seen in the Gordon Ramsey show.  It is a long story about the restaurant which I will save for another post. 

These are just random shots of houses along the way while I ran errands by foot.

Lunch for me was more green juice. I did a green juice fast on Sunday and when I got on the scale Monday morning I was down 2 pounds. That is what prompted me to do another day or two.  Immediate gratification has a big draw for me. ;-)

Dinner for me was … more  green juice. Dan had Moroccan chickpeas and veg over quinoa and a salad.

Happy thoughts:
  1. We got some potentially very good news from the doctor this morning. Once it materializes I will fill you in.
  2. I was able to run a few errands today by foot which was not only good for the planet (for fossil fuel use) but was also good for me.  Whenever possible I like to use my own energy to run errands. 
  3. The UPS man bought a few CDs for me to today which I have been listening to all afternoon.  Three best of CDs:  Marvin Gaye, Berry White and Teddy Pendergrass.  My house definitely had an old Motown vibe going today.
  4. I am also grateful for the warm front we are expecting on Tuesday and Wednesday.  If the forecast holds up we will be in the upper 60s on Wednesday which means boat time. I need to get down to the marina to check on our girl so why not go when the weather is nice enough to enough a little outdoor time right?  I may have to get a little exercise around the harbor while I am there.

Signing out:

Tomorrow we need to get up uber early since Dan has to be in Fredericksburg, Virginia by 9 am.  Looks like I will be getting an early start too since Dan has no idea how to make a smoothie.   No I am not kidding he really doesn’t. Can you say spoiled?  Oh well, I am pretty spoiled too.  But I am honestly not looking forward to being up at 5 tomorrow.

I have to run since I still have things to do before I can crawl into bed. Hope your Monday was great.  Talk with you soon.


  1. I have been the primary juicer / smoothie maker in our house for years. I finally taught my husband how to make them and it makes life so much more enjoyable. I am juicing a lot for my cancer and having a relief person is so helpful. That said, he still prefers for me to make them for him. :)

    1. Hello Betsy,

      I am definitely the chief cook in this house. My hubby cooked when he was married to his first wife b/c she couldn't. Somehow over the last 25 years my hubby has forgotten how to do anything in the kitchen. Convenient isn't it? LOL, I don't mind most days. However when I have to get up at 5 to put stuff in a blender b/c he can't make smoothies I wish he would at least try.

      Lucky you having a husband who will help out. You are a fortunate woman. :-) My husband will put stuff into the juicer if I clean and prep it. So I guess I shouldn't complain. After all he really isn't home that much to help out. ;-)

      How often are you juicing if you don't mind me asking? Do you have juice once per day or multiple times per day? Any idea how many ounces of juice you are drinking per day? Sending you positive thoughts regarding your treatment and recovery. :-)


    2. I have fallen a little behind on my juicing. I am juicing one to two times a day. I usually make 3.5 cups per session and split it up over about two hours. I know it is not quite as good, but I put it immediately into tiny mason jars in the fridge to hopefully hold on to some of the nutrients. Right now I am juicing spinach, cucumber, green apple, limes, lots of celery, and a few carrots. I often add in purple cabbage which is way better tasting than I expected.

      I am considering doing a three day cleanse, but my problem with that is how to take all of my supplements. I take a boatload of things (milk thistle, iodoral, vitamin d3, b12, zinc, selenium, so on and so forth). I just don't think I can stomach all of them on just juice.

      My husband cooked a lot before we married but after 18 years of me doing it all, he claims he doesn't really know how anymore. I had a family emergency last year where I had to leave him alone with the children (first time ever) for a few days. They ended up eating a lot of brown rice pasta and dinners out. :)

    3. Betsy,

      Thanks so much for sharing what you do. Our juices always have kale, celery, cucumber and lemon. That is base of most of my juices. Sometimes I go savory with tomato, bell pepper, broccoli and a little carrot. The savory juice gets garlic. When I do sweet I add green apple, carrot and fresh ginger. Sometimes the sweet juice gets beet and dandelion grees too. We try to drink at least a quart of juice per day sometimes more. Good to know about the purple cabbage I will try that.

      For seleniumm we eat 2 Brazil nuts everyday so you might want to consider that. Our B12 is a sublingual that goes under the tongue. I take the B12 on an empty stomach all the time. For silymarin (in the milk thistle) we eat artichokes nearly every day. We also take vitamin D which is one of the few supplements that we take now.

      What is it with men forgetting how to cook? I cut my hand badly one day and couldn't cook for a few days while it started to heal. What did Dan do about food? He let Ian cook for us. I couldn't believe it. He didn't even try. Thank God we have Ian. Not everyone has a chef friend who will do vegan on request. *shakes head* I am convinced that men totally need women in their lives. ;-)

      thanks again for sharing that was great to hear,

  2. I am now in the market for a juicer and was wondering if you have a model to recommend?

    As for kitchen stuff, when I moved in with my husband, he could make three things: Hot Pockets, oatmeal, and ramen noodles. Ha. He is slowly learning, but I am definitely still the primary cook. He definitely will make his own smoothies, though. I gave him step-by-step instructions one day, and he has run with it and can eyeball his own ingredients now. I'm pretty proud.

  3. Hi Brigid,

    I have two juicers. They are both Omegas. I have the 8006 and the 350 VRT. The 8006 is the one I would recommend and it is the cheaper of the two. I like it so much I gave one to a friend for Xmas this year.

    Good for you bringing your hubby up the curve in the kitchen. My hubby went the other way. He used to know how to cook and somehow forgot. ;-) Good thing I like to cook I guess. LOL

    hope you are having a good Tuesday,

  4. I may not have been taking enough B12 because I started getting cracks on the sides of my mouth and very dry/flaking lips about 10 days ago (I think the condition is called angular cheilitis). I tried antibiotic gel but it only helped a little. A few days ago I increased my B12 intake from 100 mcg per week to about 800 mcg per day) and it seems to be helping. How much B12 do you take?

    Also, do you take anything with iron or iodine? What about bone-building supplements like calcium, strontium, boron etc? Other than vitamin D, is there anything else you recommend taking? I know we discussed this sometime last year, but I need to revisit my supplement intake and others are probably interested too.
