Saturday, November 20, 2010

Vegan Mofo 20.1: Quick Saturday Update

(pictured:  Oriole Park at Camden Yards from the Hotel)

I hope all of you had a wonderful Saturday!

My day started early since I needed to be downtown at 8:15am for the Hopkins Women’s Health Conference. I was thrilled to hear that the conference was attended by more than 1,000 participants. I find it incredibly empowering to be around so many other people who are concerned about health. I went to the following conference sessions today:

• Use and Abuse of Supplements
• Foods as Medicine
• Shedding Light on Vitamin D
• Five Tips to Boost Your Immune System and Combat Disease

I will share my thoughts on all these conferences in the next few days. I took copious notes to share with you. ;-)

Here is the vegan lunch I was served. It was a grilled tofu topped with a shitake mushroom and both a green and a whole grain salad on the side. They were also serving rolls with butter but I passed on that. Overall the food was just okay though pretty. Ian’s food is much tastier and healthier, as is mine or course, LOL.

To accompany the entree was a fruit tart with chocolate mousse and a chocolate shard. It was pretty but clearly off my list of things to consume. The fat and sugar had to be ridiculous not to mention it probably contained butter in the crust.

The conference went through 4:15pm. While I was there I picked up a book on kidney cancer from the JHU Press.

I decided to walk to Dan’s office downtown to get some steps in. Nothing like sitting on my tush all day long to make me feel like a complete slug. Dan decided to work today since I was going to be in the conference and he didn’t want to be the only guy at the conference. I think he should have attended the event since he loves to be the center of attention, LOL.

Needless to say after spending all day at the conference I was not in the mood to cook. However I was starving since I didn’t eat much at the conference. Dan and I headed to the restaurant for an early dinner. We were there hours before our normal arrival time. ;-)

First we ordered the marinated mushrooms to share which you all know we love.

Then our sweet Aimee suggested the fattoush without the feta and that sounded great to us. We opted to share this as well.

After the first two dishes I was starting to feel human again. Man was I hungry. LOL

We finished dinner by sharing the roasted vegetable side with balsamic glaze and pine nuts.

Of course we washed this all down with two pots of white tea with rose petals.

Next we ran by the gym to pick up our membership cards. We are planning to go to the gym tomorrow between the mid day meal with my parents and dinner and start going every weekday morning at 6am when they open. Wish us luck on that. ;-)

Now it is time to relax since 6am comes early tomorrow for the farmers’ market. I will be back tomorrow with at least one recipe and possibly a conference update. I hope all of you had a great Saturday. Talk to you again tomorrow.


  1. Glad you had a good time at the conference. Dessert looked pretty at least ;-) As always, your dinner out makes me jealous.

  2. pretty food pics!

    what you said about Dan reminds me of how my husband was the only guy in all of our elementary ed. classes in college. he got his fair share of attention, which i don't think he hated. :)

    look forward to hearing more about what you learned! good luck with your 6 a.m. wake-up calls! :)

  3. Heather,

    The dessert did look pretty, I appreciated the presentation. But it was clearly a sugar bomb so it was best to pass. Everyone else at my table ate all of theirs so it must have tasted good. ;-)

    I wish you had someplace close by like we do too. Other than having them leave the feta off the salad everything we ordered was vegan right off the menu last night.

    I hope you hare having a good weekend,

  4. Jenny,

    Strangers look at you very oddly when you take pictures of food at a conference. You would think no one else does it LOL. Good thing I am not shy I suppose. ;-)

    Dan is a little bit of a flirt so he likes being the only guy in the crowd. Sounds like our hubbys have that in common. ;-) Dan was telling the girls at the restaurant that he only joined the gym to look at the coeds. If that gets him to work out everyday I am good with it. *shakes head*

    I still need to translate my session notes into a coherent narrative, they are currently handwritten and a bit cryptic. I hope to get that knocked out in the next few days.

    This morning we got up at 5:45 and yes that was a minor miracle. Hopefully tomorrow goes as well. I will let you know. ;-)

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend,

  5. Your food all looks great! I am planning on joining the gym too once I get paid :)

  6. wow! 6 am...let me know how that goes. will you have breakfast before or after?

  7. Dinner looks good, and I can understand being hungry after the conference! I know it probably doesn't fit into the MoFo theme, but I wonder what they served the other attendees. Several of the sessions (at least those you chose) related to food health - did this carry over to the menu? Just curious.

  8. Carissa,

    Thanks. Ian did a nice job, I can't take any credit for the food in this post.

    The gym this morning was great, even at 6am. ;-)


  9. Aimee,

    We actually got to the gym a few minutes after 6 which even shocked us. It was nice to start the morning with an hour of cardio. Now I need to knock out my strength training sometime this morning.

    We had a smoothie when we got back. We only took water bottles with us. I am not fond of exercising after I eat. I find it sometimes makes me sick to my stomach.


  10. Jessica,

    I do know what they served generally and it wasn't too healthy IMO. In place of the tofu and shroom was a chicken breast with the skin on. There was also a very fatty looking salad dressing that appeared to be Caesar but I didn't try any so I don't know for sure. I would say they didn't quite get the whole concept of healthy, at least not the way I understand it. ;-)

