Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Brief Update

Sorry for going AWOL on you. I have been crazy busy for the last two days and spent a lot of today sitting in the doctor’s office or his waiting room. Everything went well, other than the flu shot that has my upper arm aching. My blood pressure was a very respectable 108/78 which is not bad given my advanced age ;-) and the stress of crazy highway driving to get to the doctor.

After the doctor I spent a little time taking part in some retail therapy so I feel much better now, LOL. I picked up some great bargains and you know that means clothes and a new exercise toy.

Hint, hint. LOL ;-)

I will fill you in on the food you missed and the fun deals I found shopping as soon as I can, either late tonight or tomorrow morning. We are having dinner with friends tonight which means I need to go so I can make myself presentable. Talk to you soon. :-)


  1. Ugh, hate sitting in the doctor's office. It's the worst. Seriously, do they ever have to wait like that??? Love retail therapy though.

  2. i have been awol recently also,it seems to go in spurts? did they have good magazines? (at the docs).....

  3. I think there is something in the air, because I know many people whose lives are frantic lately. Don't worry, I commend your consistency in blogging. A few day rut=no big deal!

    p.s. my mother loves kettle bells!

  4. Heather,

    I am not good at waiting either. A good friend of mine once left a doctors office telling the front desk their time was valuable too. I loved that, LOL.

    Retail therapy does make everything better though doesn't it? ;-)


  5. Michelle,

    The waiting room did have some good magazines but I have to admit I was playing with my smart phone most of the time like everyone else. ;-)

    My posts have been getting so long that I seem to run into trouble getting them posted unless I write them through out the day now. When I am out of the house for long blocks of time is when I seem to get behind.

    talk to you later,


  6. Stephanie,

    I really don't know why I have been so busy lately. Maybe I have just been slacking. ;-)

    If your mom has any particular DVD's or instructors she likes I would love to know what/who they are.

    hope you are having a good Wednesday,

  7. Love kettlebell dvds by Lauren.

    I think she also has some exercises on YOuTube.


  8. Alyne,

    Thanks for for the tip on the videos. I will check that out. :-)

