Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Busy Morning turns into a Busy Afternoon

We had an appointment with our internist at 11am that we thought would be quick, but they never are. After running from office to office and stopping at the pharmacy we were finally heading for home at 2:30pm.

Since we were out we decided a brief stop at the health food store was in order. For those of you in the area we go to The Natural Market in Timonium. While we were there we bought a California wrap with lentil burger, hummus, alfalfa sprouts, greens, onion and roasted bell pepper which we split. It was good and very filling.  Here s the link to the menu in case it gives you any ideas. 

To go with that we had a large juice that included carrots, spinach, romaine, parsley and beet they call the blood regenerator. I know it was heavy on the carrot because that was the primary flavor with beet coming in second.  It was a nice combination. I am going to try to make something similar at home as soon as I pick up some beets.

We also found out we could order trays of wheat grass. Since the growing didn’t go so well we decided to order a tray. For those of you that aren’t gardeners but want the juice you may want to see if your health food store offers this. Ours gets theirs from the grocery supplier.

As we were heading for home we passed a new restaurant named “Basta Pasta.” For those of you that know Italian you know this must be the worst name for an Italian restaurant ever. Basta is a contraction of the word abbastanza, which means enough. When you are in Italy you will hear mothers telling their children basta quite regularly.  It is also a phrase my hubby hears often when he is acting up. Why anyone would name an Italian restaurant enough pasta is beyond me. But it was so ridiculous I wanted to share.

Time for me to run and try to get a few things accomplished around here. I will chat with you again soon. I hope you are all having a great day.


  1. Holy cow, that wrap looks fantastic. YUM. Talk about a filling lunch.

  2. Heather,

    Thanks, it was a good wrap. You should check out the menu. Everything we get there is always tasty.


  3. Brandi,

    The juice was very good too. We have decided to work our way through the juices each time we go. Just to make certain we aren't missing something that is. ;-)


  4. That wrap looks insanely delicious! I studied Italian all through college, and I must be one of the most obnoxious people to go to Italian restaurants with. In the town where I went to college, we had a restaurant called Tutti Mangia, which made me cringe.

    I just realized from this post that you must live in Baltimore. My friend just moved from there after two years. She actually worked in Timonium, I believe. I was there visiting her Memorial Day weekend last year.

  5. Brigid,

    I am exactly the same way at Italian restaurants so I completely understand. LOL!

    We do live in Baltimore near Loyola and Johns Hopkins if that means something to you. Our place is about 15 - 20 minutes south east from Timonium depending on traffic.

    talk to you later,
