Monday, March 29, 2010

Steam Roasted Caramelized Garlic

I used to be a big fan of caramelized garlic. But all the oil that is typically used meant it was out of the question. I tried roasting the garlic with a little water and it worked like a charm. If you want to reduce your oil consumption but miss caramelized garlic give this method a try. It works great for me.

Steam Roasted Caramelized Garlic
Makes 4 heads of garlic


4 heads of garlic
2 tablespoons of water


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Slice the garlic in half through the equator. Allow the sliced garlic to sit for at least 10 minutes (while the oven is preheating) so the allicin can develop before it goes into the oven. Place the halved heads of garlic on a large piece of aluminum foil and add two tablespoons of water. Thoroughly seal the foil and bake until the garlic is soft. The exact time will depend on your oven but it will take about forty five minutes to an hour.

You can wrap the heads and freeze them separately to be used later.

Nutritional Information per head:

Amount Per Serving
Calories - 67.05
Calories From Fat (3%) - 1.89

Total Fat - 0.23g
Saturated Fat - 0.04g
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium - 7.87mg
Potassium - 180.52mg
Total Carbohydrates - 14.88g
Fiber - 0.95g
Sugar - 0.45g
Protein - 2.86g


When I first tried this I wasn’t certain what to expect but it works great. I now make it every couple of weeks so I always have it on hand.

I roasted some garlic this morning so that I can make roasted garlic and olive pesto today. If you read the comments you know Brandi asked about how I make olive pesto so I wanted to get that posted today before I forgot. Thankfully it is a quick thing to whip together. My mind has been much more scattered than normal lately!

Unrelated note:

This is a really interesting website that you might want to check it out. It lets you input personal information and tells you what you can do to lower your risk of specific types of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and stroke. I was playing with this earlier today and found it quite informative.  I scored well on almost everything but it does give good insight on the changes you can make to lower your risk of specific diseases.

I will be back later today with another recipe.


  1. Alicia

    "Slice the garlic in half through the equator" thats neat to know, that thats what its called. im going to check out that website.


  2. Michelle,

    I played around with the site for about thirty minutes earlier today. It had some good insight. But it was nice to know I was on the low risk side of most things.

    Have fun,

  3. I roast garlic all the time...good to know I can get the same results without oil.

  4. Rose,

    Amazing, right? I really didn't expect it to work but decided to try it anyway and no problem. I think the water is necessary to keep it from drying out, although that is only a guess since I didn't try it without water.


  5. Ooohh, we're big garlic eaters. This sounds great. This would be soooo good in a hummus. Thanks for the website link as well.

  6. Heather,

    Roast garlic hummus is one of my favorites. This is something I usually make when I have the oven on for another reason. Roasted garlic freezes well.

    The website is interesting. I was reminded that I should be considering baby aspirin every day. Something to consider, even though I have been avoiding it.


  7. Oh my goodness--so many posts to catch up got crazy for a while there :-) I am excited to see what you have been creating!

    I LOVE roasted garlic! SO delicious. I do it similarly, but I just cut off the top of the garlic head (rather than cutting it in half), wrap it in tin foil (without the water), and roast/bake it in the oven at around 450. Then all you need to do is pop the garlic cloves out of their paper/skin (since you have already cut off the top). I love the idea to roast a lot at once to have on said you could freeze it, but have you kept it in the fridge at all? Do pop the garlic out and store it like that, or really just store the whole head, skin and all?


  8. Courtney,

    Thanks for letting me know it will work without water. I was afraid it would get too dry.

    I store two halves in aluminum foil and then in freezer bag. I have refrigerated it when I knew I was going to use it in a few days. But sometimes things go into my frig and don't come out, if know what I mean. It is more likely to get used if I freeze it.


  9. Oh wow, Alicia! I was just thinking about roasted of the women in my produce group is a Hare Krishna, so she doesn't eat garlic or onions, so I got her extra garlic today. I love that I can make it without oil...oven is preheating right now. Thank you!


  10. LJ,

    Glad I could help. :-) Nice bonus that you got the extra garlic. I can't imagine life without it. I eat garlic every day.

    talk to you soon,

  11. Tiffany,

    When I tried this I didn't expect it to work either, but it did. I have learned that sometimes I just need to dive in even when I am not certain. Food doesn't always behave as I expect it to, like this time.

    Thanks for letting me know you like the concept. :-)


  12. Hey, Ali, remember when we talked about my garlic baker? I bet you're getting the same results with this technique. Isn't it good?! We love garlic too and eat scads of it. Tasty, healthy, and keeps vampires away. What more could you ask? :-)

  13. Lalo,

    Ahhh, so that the purpose of the garlic baker. I didn't realize that. Do you add water to that or bake it dry?

    I used to make this all the time with oil, but this oil free version is just as good.


  14. I soak the lid in water for a few minutes before putting it in the oven, so it releases a little steam during the baking process. It would be neat if there were a similar gadget you could use for carmelizing onions. I wonder if there is one? And if not, why not? And if we invented it, if we'd become bazillionaires? :-)

  15. P.S. The instructions (and most of the Amazon reviews) say to drizzle the garlic bulb with olive oil before baking it in the garlic baker, but as with your foil method, it's not necessary and I skip it (it probably goes without saying!) ;-)

  16. That garlic looks amazing. You can never be too rich or have too much garlic ;-)

    That was another great link. Our health insurer sent us a similar program last year to assess risk and what you can improve. It is a good feeling to know our risk is on the low end. It would be great if all insurers did this, but since they don't, it's wonderful that you found and shared this link Alicia!

  17. Janet,

    Isn't it amazing it got all nice and caramelized without oil? I was quite pleased with this.

    I thought the site did a nice job of summarizing things for those with concerns about specific diseases.

