Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Snowy Wednesday Morning

Here is what we were greeted with this morning. Isn’t it pretty? I posted this for those of you that didn’t get snow last night. I think it is so nice to look at. However, I am happy that I can look at it through the window of my nice warm house.

For now it is time to exercise and then have a big mug of green tea.  I hope you are all having a great day.


  1. Great photo! We had snow last night too, and it's beautiful to look at, but I forgot that I had to clean off the car this morning when I took the kids to school, so I was really rushing.

  2. Janet,

    I never like cleaning the snow off the car either. Fortunately I didn't need to go out this morning. According to the weathermen it should reach 40 today so the snow will be off the car by mid-day.

    Glad you liked the photo. I love how it looks when snow sticks to the tree limbs.


  3. i remember in new jersey waking up to that. very pretty and even fun to play in for awhile. then go INSIDE!! and what do you mean you guys didnt LIKE to clean the snow off your cars?*LOL

  4. Michelle,

    I have to admit it has been a little while since I had to clean the snow off my own car. My hubby has me a little spoiled. ;) It sure is pretty though isn't it?


  5. What a lovely photo!! (But "my nice warm house"... oh sure, Alicia, rub it in!) ;-)~

  6. Hi Alicia,
    I agree a great photo. Even if I'm hoping not to see the snow again this season!
    Has your snow gone now?

  7. Lalo,

    Sorry about that. I wasn't thinking. I hope the part comes soon.


    Thanks! The snow is off the roads, sidewalks and cars but still on the grass. We have another storm that is suppose to bring more snow at the end of the week. This is far more snow than we normally see in one season.

    Nice to have you back,

  8. Stay guys are really getting the snow this winter!

  9. Rose,

    I just heard tonight they are predicting the next storm will be another 12 to 20 inches of snow later this week. This is crazy. We normally get 7 inches of snow all winter.

    I so ready for Spring. Darn that fuzzy little groundhog Phil! ;)

