Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Battle of the Non-Dairy Milks

(pictured: Espresso with almond milk (L), Espresso with Brown Rice Milk (R))

This morning we made espresso so that we could compare almond milk versus brown rice milk and decide which one we liked better. I expected to like the brown rice milk better in my espresso since it has a thicker more fatty mouth feel when tested plain. To my surprise both my husband I and I preferred the almond milk in the espresso.

In the photo above the almond milk is pictured on the left. I added the same amount of non-dairy milk to each cup and you can see the almond milk had more of an impact in terms of color. It also had a bigger impact on the taste. The cup of espresso with almond milk was less acidic. Both versions had a little more sediment in the bottom of the cup than I wanted. However, the sediment issue should be resolved by straining the milk through cheesecloth.

I will continue to make both milk versions. However, almond milk is the winner when I want milk in my espresso. Expect to see the almond milk updated for nutritional information very soon. It is bugging me that I don't have numbers for that milk.

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