Monday, November 8, 2010

Vegan MoFo 8.1: Crazy Busy Monday

Hi everyone I hope you had a great Monday. Our Monday was ridiculously busy. We spent most of it running from here to there and back. It is after 10pm and I only now found time to turn on the computer. This will be an abbreviated post but one I wanted to get up since it is Vegan Mofo.

We skipped breakfast due to early morning appointments. However we found time to make a to go mug with a double green tea and grab trail mix to carry out the door.

Lunch was a plate of roasted vegetables (artichoke, white potato, red potato, beet, carrot, cauliflower, red onions and red peppers) drizzled with balsamic glaze and a few pine nuts which we split.

We also had black bean soup.

Dinner was a quick baked sweet potato topped with the leftover red sauce with green beans and cauliflower and few sliced almonds.

Dessert was a bowl of fruit with more almonds.

In spite of it being a very long day we managed to eat a mostly healthy menu with plenty of micronutrients. There probably weren’t enough calories today but we spent a lot of the day sitting and waiting so I don’t think we burned that many either. ;-)

Tomorrow should be more like normal giving me time to catch up on your posts.  I am looking forward to spending time relaxing tomorrow. While I love spending time with my husband I also need my down time so that I mentally process things. I will chat with you again tomorrow.  I hope you have a good evening.  Good night.


  1. I was going to mention that even your busy day eats - from getting out the door with tea and trail mix - is better than what many people do. The roasted vegetables and fruit look especially good, to boot.

  2. You still ate better than me on your busy day:)))

  3. LOL, I agree w/ Jessica and Aimee. Even when you're running around like crazy, you and Dan still manage to eat *really* well! Glad that today will give you time to breathe.


  4. I have never had a black bean soup. Silly huh? I love black beans too. I'd say your eats look pretty fantastic to me. Hard to go wrong with roasted veggies or a sweet potato piled high with more delish veggies. Hope your Tuesday is a little calmer.

  5. Jessica,

    Thanks, your comment made me feel better. I always feel like I should do more in terms of nutrition. ;-)

    Yesterday was very rushed with all the appts and then we ran errands since we were out. It was an extremely long day. I also missed exercising. Thankfully today is back to normal. Yay!

    have a great Tuesday,

  6. Aimee,

    Thank you so much for saying that. I really try to make good choices for us. It is much easier when I have time at home to cook. ;-)

    hope your Tuesday is a good one,

  7. LJ,

    I was happy that we found green and white tea while we were out too. I forgot to mention that in the post. Finding healthy beverages at two places put a huge smile on my face yesterday.

    I hope you have a good Tuesday,

  8. Heather,

    As much as you love black beans I am shocked you have never had black bean soup. I would have expected that to be your favorite.

    I guess we did fairly well yesterday considering we weren't home much and had to punt in terms of food. I agree with you on the roasted veggies and sweet potato they always work. ;-)

    Tuesday should be fantastic. It has started out well which is a good sign.

    have a wonderful Tuesday,

  9. Alone time is always nice. :) Fruit salad is always the prettiest thing.

  10. Jenny,

    Alone time is when I tend to process information. We had a busy day yesterday and I have lots to think about. For whatever reason I do my best thinking alone.

    Fruit salad is always pretty. I should eat more fruit I think. I always seem to eat more veggies than fruit.

    hope you are having a good Tuesday morning,

  11. You amaze me at how healthy you manage to eat when you are on the go!

  12. Michelle,

    Since so many of you have said the same thing I guess I need to write something about that soon. Thanks for the idea. It really is easier to do than you many of you think. ;-)

    I hope you are having a good Tuesday,

  13. Those roasted veggies look fantastic!

    I hope everything went okay yesterday :-)


  14. Courtney,

    The roasted veggies were good. :-)

    Everything went well yesterday, thanks for asking.

    talk to you later,

  15. Wow, that fruit salad looks amazing! I always seem to sadly forget about so many colorful fruits when the winter comes around. Kiwis and blackberries in the fall seem so cheery!

  16. Foodfeud,

    Fortunately we stopped at Costco which is where I picked up a bowl of cut up fruit. When you add fresh berries and nuts to it you have a nice quick salad. The salad bar at the grocery store can be used the same way. That helps me make quick food that doesn't involve commercially prepard faux meat or dairy and/or junk in a box when I am swamped.

